Swift Actions by Captain Malay Joshi, Marine Pilot Officer, Restore Safety on the High Seas

Maritime News India : Bhavnagar, Gujarat: In a dramatic incident at Bhavnagar Port, the cargo ship MV Saltwind Explorer, bearing IMO No. 9483243, encountered a serious emergency when both of her anchors broke due to powerful sea currents. The vessel, which had arrived on October 3, 2024, carrying about 55,000 metric tons of coal, drifted dangerously before grounding in shallow waters. This prompted a swift rescue operation that showcased the heroism of Captain Malay Joshi, the Tug Boats Crew, and the support from the Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) and the Directorate General of Shipping, India (DG Shipping). The information surrounding this incident has been shared anonymously by a witness.

The incident unfolded as the MV Saltwind Explorer began unloading cargo. Reports indicate that the first anchor cable snapped under the immense strain of the region’s notoriously strong currents, which are among the second strongest in the world. Despite the crew’s rapid deployment of a second anchor, it too failed, leaving the vessel without anchors, adrift, and at the mercy of the sea.

As the situation escalated, the ship’s captain and crew faced an urgent crisis, with the vessel listing, experiencing loss of steering, and sustaining rudder damage, ultimately grounding northerly, away from the designated anchorage zone. Fortunately, no crew members were injured, but immediate action was critical to prevent further damage and environmental hazards.

MV Saltwind Explorer, Maritime Rescue Operations, Captain Malay Joshi, Maritime News, Safety, Bhavnagar Port, Tugboat, Emergency Response Gujarat Board 002
MV Saltwind Explorer With Broken Anchors

Captain Joshi’s Quick Thinking, Decision Making, and Local Knowledge of Bhavnagar Waters

Captain Malay Joshi, Marine Pilot, MV Saltwind Explorer, Maritime Rescue Operations, Maritime News, Safety, Bhavnagar Port, Tugboat, Emergency Response Gujarat Board 001
Captain Malay Joshi, a Marine Pilot Officer at Bhavnagar, Gujarat

In response to the unfolding emergency, Marine Pilot Captain Malay Joshi boarded the vessel to execute a precise and daring rescue operation. With the ship aground, partially submerged, and the steering and rudder systems immobilized, he worked tirelessly until morning alongside three tugboats and succeeded in refloating the MV Saltwind Explorer during the early morning rising tide. Captain Joshi’s navigational expertise and calm demeanor under pressure were pivotal in stabilizing the vessel and towing it toward open, deep waters in the Gulf of Cambay, ensuring the safety of the 20 crew members on board.

Captain Joshi’s swift actions not only prevented further damage to the ship but also mitigated potential environmental risks associated with the large coal load and the fuel present on the MV Saltwind Explorer. Thanks to his leadership and motivational skills in keeping the master and crew encouraged during the operation, the MV Saltwind Explorer was eventually towed to safe waters in the Gulf of Cambay, with no reports of hull damage, oil leaks, contamination, or casualties.

After about four days, the salvors took over, but until then, Captain Joshi remained on the ship’s bridge without sleep or rest. He ensured the vessel stayed a safe distance from the shallow areas of the Gulf of Cambay, relying on the tug for assistance and using the ship’s engines as needed, all while managing a malfunctioning steering system.

GMB’s and DG Shipping Effective Coordination

Simultaneously, the Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) demonstrated remarkable efficiency in their response by dispatching Pilot Officer Captain Malay Joshi to the scene, prioritizing the safe recovery of the vessel. Upon learning of the incident, GMB also sent a specialized team of tugboats and pilots to the site. Their well-coordinated efforts ensured that the refloating operation proceeded with the utmost precision, successfully overcoming the challenging maritime conditions at Bhavnagar anchorage.

The team of pilots and tug crew worked tirelessly against the clock to stabilize the MV Saltwind Explorer, safeguarding both the vessel and the surrounding environment. Their commitment to maritime safety underscores the importance of having robust emergency response protocols in place in high-risk areas. Historic reports also state that refloating operations have often been deemed impossible, with many ships considered a total loss when grounded in the same area due to the presence of soft, sticky mud (marsh), which acts like quicksand and pulls vessels further down, making it difficult to refloat.

A Collaborative Success

The incident serves as a testament to the power of collaboration in crisis situations. Both Captain Joshi and the engaged tugboat crews exemplified courage, expertise, and determination, ensuring the safe recovery of the MV Saltwind Explorer while protecting the marine environment and ensuring safety of life at sea.

The vessel awaits further instructions and is safely anchored near Alang. Investigations will look into the reasons behind the anchor failures, emphasizing the need for vigilance in maritime operations. The successful resolution of this incident not only highlights the capabilities of local navigators like Captain Joshi but also underscores the vital roles played by tugboats and organizations like the GMB and DG Shipping in maritime safety.

Valuing Local Knowledge in Future Safety Protocols

Moving forward, lessons learned from this incident will inform to enhance future safety protocols, ensuring that vessels navigating Bhavnagar’s challenging waters are well-prepared to handle similar challenges, and must take into consideration, the local Navigational knowledge of Pilot and Tug Masters, working tirelessly in the region, without any recognition.
As we reflect on this incident, it becomes clear that continuous improvement in maritime safety protocols, alongside valuing local knowledge and expertise, is crucial for navigating the challenges of our waters. Together, we can ensure a safer future for maritime operations and protect the environment we share.

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